My Project Work
A selection of my previous projects and project work,
which I have carried out privately or for my education.
Gain an overview of my skills and experiences.
07 - Cluster with 3FA Extension
On June 3, 2023, I submitted my impressive thesis for the 6th semester:
A Raspberry Pi Cluster that forms a small supercomputer from four individual Raspberry Pis, each with 8 GB.
This project is an extension of my work from the 5th semester and demonstrates what can be achieved with dedication and innovation.
By acquiring the domain quinsimini.com from Cloudflare, I was able to set up four specialized subdomains:
1. **auth.quinisimini.com**: Protects access with 2FA authentication.
2. **portainer.quinisimini.com**: Allows access with an additional 3FA.
3. **nginxproxy.quinisimini.com**: Also protected with an additional 3FA.
4. **router.quinisimini.com**: Enables worldwide access.
This configuration allows me to access my cluster from anywhere in the world via the Internet. The accesses to portainer.quinisimini.com and nginxproxy.quinisimini.com even have an additional 3FA. Thanks to the security provided by HTTPS and a DynDNS service from Duck DNS, the system is always accessible.
The 2FA authentication is managed by Authelia, which secures access through auth.quinisimini.com before redirecting to the Portainer or Nginxproxy page. The Unifi router contributes additional security with its own internal 2FA safeguard.
With this advanced and secure technology, I can work from any location in the world.
All information about this and other projects can be found on GitHub at:
Access to the cluster can be found here:
1. = https://auth.quinisimini.com/?rd=https%3A%2F%2Fportainer.quinisimini.com%2F
2. = https://portainer.quinisimini.com/#!/auth
3. = https://nginxproxy.quinisimini.com/login
4. = https://router.quinisimini.com/login?redirect=%2F
06 - Flutter App BMI

I have programmed a BMI app using either the IDE Android Studio or Visual Studio Code. The app was created with the Flutter framework, which is based on the Dart programming language.
The advantage of Flutter is that it is not only suitable for iPhones and Android smartphones but can also be used for websites, desktop applications, and ARM processors. This makes the application platform-independent and capable of running on various devices.
The Flutter BMI app is available on my GitHub account, which can be found at the following link:
There, you can download the app and view the source code.
If you have any further questions about how it works or the development process, please feel free to reach out.
05 - Raspberry Swarm Cluster

In the 5th semester of my studies, I created a Raspberry Pi cluster using Docker Swarm and subsequently wrote a paper about it.
The Raspberry Pi cluster consists of multiple units connected to each other, capable of performing tasks together.
Docker Swarm is a technology that allows managing and orchestrating multiple Docker containers to achieve higher availability and scalability.
By utilizing Docker Swarm, I was able to make more efficient use of the Raspberry Pi cluster's resources and automate the execution of applications.
My work focused on configuring the Raspberry Pi cluster and implementing and scaling applications using Docker Swarm.
The project provided me with valuable experience in the areas of clustering, containerization, and orchestration of applications.
04 - Snake Ai mit Reinforcement Learning

During my fourth semester of study, I developed an artificial intelligence (AI) that trained the neural network using Deep Q-Learning and Bayesian Optimization to play the classic game "Snake".
The goal was to create an AI that could automatically play the game and achieve the highest possible score.
The project was a valuable experience in applying deep learning and machine learning algorithms. The result is available on my GitHub account, which can be found at the following link:
Dort können Sie das Repository einsehen und den Quellcode überprüfen. Falls Sie weitere Fragen haben sollten, stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.
03 - Pi-Hole Server as Ad Blocker

During the third semester of my studies in server and network architecture, I developed my own implementation of a Pi-Hole firewall.
Since protecting my privacy is important to me and I reject tracking and advertising, this was a natural choice. With the Pi-Hole firewall, I was able to free my entire network traffic from unnecessary ads and spying trackers. To this day, I continue to use Pi-Hole and am very satisfied with its functionality and user-friendliness.
By implementing this project, I was able to expand my skills in network and firewall management and gain valuable experience in implementing privacy solutions.
02 - Router and Firewall Simulation

In the second semester of my studies, I focused on simulating complex network landscapes and their configuration and management. Using the GNS3 tool, I was able to perform realistic simulations that included aspects such as firewalls, routing, and management. This experience broadened my skills in network design and management and provided me with valuable insights into the practical application of network technologies.
01 - Hardware and Analysis & Support

During my first semester of study, I mainly focused on the interaction between hardware and software, potential pitfalls, and troubleshooting. I appreciate the support area, as often, simple means can provide great help.
This experience showed me the importance of having a deep understanding of how hardware and software work and how to effectively solve problems.
I have successfully applied these skills in later projects and courses.